25 Awesome Puff Pastry Recipes for Vegans (2024)

25 Awesome Puff Pastry Recipes for Vegans (1)

I don't know about you, but I love puff pastry.

I learned how to make puff pastry from scratch at school with my very strict and old fashioned cookery teacher. It seemed to take hours to make. All the careful folding and then more folding. She watched our every move like a hawk. We didn't dare make a mistake. Although I do remember a dish hitting the floor once. I think it was an apple crumble. She was not happy!

These days I buy ready made puff pastry from the supermarket and if I can get away with it I buyready rolled puff pastry. It's a godsend for


busy mums and such good quality too. Just take it out of the fridge 15-20 minutes before you need it and gently unroll it. It even comes on greaseproof paper you can work on and then transfer it onto a baking tray, so you don't have to flour or grease your tray to prevent sticking. Excellent product!

Is puff pastry vegan?

Thankfully a lot of the puff pastry and shortcrust pastry available in the shops these days is suitable for vegans. Avoid those that say all butter and check on the back for the ingredients. I buy Jus Rol which is suitable for vegans and available in a block or ready rolled sheets of pastry. They do a good range of vegan pastry and pastry items such as croissants and pizza dough, just check the ingredients.

I'm always playing about with new recipes using puff, but I love looking for inspiration among my blogger friends too, so I've pulled together 25 of the best vegan puff pastry recipes for you to try> I just know you will leave inspired and will love them as much as I do.

What about shortcrust pastry, is it vegan?

Once again Jus Rol come to the rescue with vegan shortcrust pastry, which is great for making quick pasties, homemade pop tarts, fruit and savoury pies. Shortcrust pastry is very easy to make, but it is handy to have a packet of ready-made shortcrust pastry in the fridge for quick meals.

Theeagle eyed among you will spot that I've included one recipe using shortcrust pastry. It's a good one, so I decided to include it. It could be made with puff, but wouldn't be easy to hold, so bookmark or pin it for next time you buy a block of vegan shortcrust pastry. See if you can spot it.

Note: Images run from top left clockwise.

21 Vegan Puff Pastry Recipes

25 Awesome Puff Pastry Recipes for Vegans (2)

1. Spicy Three Bean Sausage Rolls - Tinned Tomatoes
2. Cheesey Vegetable Puff Pie - Tinned Tomatoes
3. Californian Puff Pastry Appetizers- Vegan in the Freezer

4. Easy Mediterranean Tart- Tinned Tomatoes

5. Cheesey Baked Bean Pasty Puffs - Fuss Free Flavours (use vegan cheddar, I like Violife)

6. Mini Savoury Mince Pies - Tinned Tomatoes

25 Awesome Puff Pastry Recipes for Vegans (4)

7. Portobello Mushroom Puff Pastry Tart- Maison Cupcake (use nut milk to glaze)

8. Bombay Bites - The Veg Space

9. Carrot Bundles with Cashew Maple Spread - Vegan in the Freezer

25 Awesome Puff Pastry Recipes for Vegans (5)

25 Awesome Puff Pastry Recipes for Vegans (6)

13. Lemon Asparagus Tart - Vegan Family Recipes
14. Smokey Summer Tarte - Little Miss Meat Free
15. Savoury Pumpkin Tart - Vegan Family Recipes

25 Awesome Puff Pastry Recipes for Vegans (7)

16. Maple, Parsnip & Chestnut Wellington - The Tofu Diaries
17. Puff Pizza Pie with Pesto - Tinned Tomatoes (use dairy free mozzarella & pesto)
18. Puff Pastry with Fennel & Turnip Greens - Vegan Life Magazine

25 Awesome Puff Pastry Recipes for Vegans (8)

19. Plum & Almond Tart - Wallflower Kitchen
20. Easy Vegan French Apple Tart - Wallflower Kitchen

25 Awesome Puff Pastry Recipes for Vegans (9)

21. - Tinned Tomatoes
22. Caramelised Puff Pastry Biscuits (cookies) - Franglais Kitchen
23. Mother's Chocolate Strudel - Vegan in the Freezer

25 Awesome Puff Pastry Recipes for Vegans (10)

24. Mixed Berry Apple Pot Pie - Fuss Free Flavours
25. Apple Strudel Puff Pastry Waffles- Vegan Heaven

Bonus Recipe : Shallot Puff Pastry Crown


25 Awesome Puff Pastry Recipes for Vegans (11)

Indulgent Rich Chocolate Cake

An indulgent and dark, dark chocolate cake filled with chocolate buttercream and topped with whipped coconut cream and raspberries. So easy to make and wickedly good.


I hope you are leaving inspired and the next time you look in the fridge at a block or roll of puff pastry, you'll know just what to make with it.

If you make anything rather special with puff pastry leave a comment and share the idea with us. in the meantime hit the tweet button and share these gorgeous recipes with your friends or pin it for later. These are recipes you will want to come back to again and again.


Love Puff Pastry? Check out 25 Awesome Puff Pastry Recipes & prepare to drool! https://t.co/PpLuRkjNUX #puffpastry #pastry #vegan #dairyfree pic.twitter.com/mnYBmXxtz6

— Jac -Tinned Tomatoes (@tinnedtoms) September 3, 2017

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25 Awesome Puff Pastry Recipes for Vegans (12)

If you need more inspiration....

  • 25 Awesome Puff Pastry Recipes for Vegans
  • 41 Insanely Good Vegan Lunches
  • 48 Easy Winter Vegan Meals
  • The Ultimate Sandwiches Guide
  • Ultimate 4th of July Vegan BBQ Guide
  • Best Vegan and Dairy-Free Products (UK)
  • Most Popular Vegan Recipes 2017

25 Awesome Puff Pastry Recipes for Vegans (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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