10140 Stagecoach Bay, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78254 - HAR.com (2024)

3 Bedroom(s)

2 Full Bath(s)

1,797 Sqft.

6,600 Lot Sqft.

Home value comparables

Using a REALTOR is the best way to determine the market price of a home. Start this process by viewing the third-party valuations and then contact a Realtor to determine a reasonable purchase price for a home.

Current Valuations

Home Value Comparables
10140 Stagecoach Bay, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78254 - HAR.com (1)10140 Stagecoach Bay, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78254 - HAR.com (2)10140 Stagecoach Bay, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78254 - HAR.com (3)10140 Stagecoach Bay, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78254 - HAR.com (4)

AVM Value



AVM Value



AVM Value



AVM Value



Value Range

$267K - $355K

Value Range

$281K - $321K

Value Range

$277K - $306K

Value Range

$ 302,750

Confidence Score


Margin of Error*: 14%

Confidence Score


Margin of Error*: 7%

Confidence Score


Confidence Score


$311K $173.07/sqft $301K $167.39/sqft $292K $162.21/sqft $303K $168.48/sqft

Limitations: This represents an estimated sales price for this property. It is not the same as the opinion of value in an appraisal developed by a licensed appraiser under the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. The values do not include a physical or visual inspection of the subject property. User shall not use the values in lieu of an appraisal by a licensed appraiser or as a basis for making any financial decision.

Zestimate Home Values are provided by Zillow, Inc. Use is subject to Zillow Terms of Use and are provided as-is, as-available.



10140 Stagecoach Bay (currently not for sale) is located in Wildhorse subdivision in Bexar County. Scroll to see the property features, tax value, mortgage calculator, nearby schools and similar homes for sale.

The property information herein and below is from the county appraisal district and should be independently verified.

Measurement in Ft-in

Measurement in Ft-in Measurement in Metric

Listing Status

Currently not for sale

Market Value



10140 Stagecoach Bay





Zip Code



Bexar County



Legal Description



3 Bedroom(s)


2 Full Bath(s)


1/Appraisal District

Building Size

1,797 Sqft/Appraisal District

Lot Size

6,600 Sqft/Appraisal District

Year Built

2003 / Appraisal District

Lot information

Lot Size

6,600 Sqft. / Appraisal District

Street View Map View Satellite View

10140 Stagecoach Bay, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78254 - HAR.com (5) 10140 Stagecoach Bay, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78254 - HAR.com (6) 10140 Stagecoach Bay, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78254 - HAR.com (7)

Disclaimer: Lot configuration and dimensions are estimates, not based on personal knowledge and come from a third party (Digital Map Products); therefore, you should not rely on the estimates and perform independent confirmation as to their accuracy

Property tax

10140 Stagecoach Bay, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78254 - HAR.com (8)

Cost/Sqft based on tax value

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read more about property tax ↓

Down Payment Assistance


Create and estimate your monthly mortgage payment and property taxes, based on past rates.

Estimated Monthly Payments


Loan Term



More Options

Full Page

Presented by TimeValue Software ©2021

Listing TaxNumbers
Principal & Interest2,841


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Subdivision Facts


10140 Stagecoach Bay, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78254 - HAR.com (9)
























Market update video





School information is computer generated and may not be accurate or current. Buyer must independently verify and confirm enrollment. Please contact the school district to determine the schools to which this property is zoned.

Assigned schools

Nearby schools

Nearby similar homes for sale

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10140 Stagecoach Bay, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78254. View photos, map, tax, nearby homes for sale, home values, school info...

View all homes on STAGECOACH

10140 Stagecoach Bay, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78254 - HAR.com (2024)
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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Views: 6362

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (72 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.